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Transition is like a foggy road

S3 proves to be is an inspiration for people in many different ways. It's the first time one of our workshop participants shares a painting with us though! Beautiful.

Beatric Düring wrote to us today:

I ran a informal breakfast event for 6 agile coaches this morning on S3. They seemed greatly inspired and also expressed some healthy initial fears. I fed back to them that "that sounds like a tension - would you like to articulate a driver to deal with that" ;-) It mostly was about how do you get people onboard, roll it out, what if you start drowning in drivers, circles because people wouldn't understand etc. So I drew this picture afterwards reflecting on the experience - a gift to you all!

Transition is like a foggy road

Having grown up in Romania during a loooong and assidous 'transition period' from communism to capitalism, I'm challanged and relieved at the same time to look at 'transition' as a 'safe enough to try' step by step process where tensions are symptoms of intelligence seeking emergence.

I would definitely be grateful to have had an S3 navigation system to rely on during such a journey!

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